The Science Of Life

A Healthy outside starts from Inside.

Relief, So Natural

Natural remedies, not medicine!


Nature itself is the best physician.

Healthy Diet

When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need!


An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!

Friday, 22 May 2015


Post-operative recovery period patients generally experience loss of appetite, or elderly adults without any physical cause may also show decreased appetite. But for a healthy person to refuse food or show loss of interest in food may be an indication of the underlying stomach problem. Children tend to be hungry every after few hours.

Aversion from food, loss of appetite (anoxeria) in long term may lead to significant weight loss, electrolyte imbalances and other health problems. Our food intake ensures and supports healthy life; therefore this problem must not be left untreated for a longer period.

Gro-App is a well-balanced, natural poly herbal formulation that normalizes the loss of appetite and induces better assimilation and maintains the digestive rhythm of the body. Unlike other available products for the same indication, Gro-App syrup doenot induce sleep but helps in healthy weight gain.


It relieves conditions such as

Loss of appetite
Abdominal colic


Grow-App Syrup is a natural blend of Saunf (Faeniculum vulgare), Pippali (Piper longum) and Ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi) along with other herbs. These herbs maintain the balance between appetite (desire to eat) and satiety (sensation of fullness) which is controlled by the brain. It has anti-spasmodic action that helps in dispelling abdominal colic. Due to the carminative action it helps to expel out the gas in the stomach and thus combat flatulence.
Grow app not only stimulates the appetite of children but effective on adults also. It is a well-accepted formula without any side-effects.

Dosage: 2 tsp or as directed by physician.

* The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. Pl don't use this info to diagnose or treat health problems without consulting doctor.

Tuesday, 19 May 2015


A healthy skin is the reflection of overall wellness and it is everyone’s dream to have a flawless glowing complexion. At the same time, the biggest enemy of skin is acne. In extreme cases, it is the reason for anxiety, misery, lack of self-confidence and depression.

Acne a problem usually faced during adolescence erupts when the follicles become plugged with oil or dead cells. But women in their 30s, 40 and 50s too get it. It is all the more a challenging job to find out the right treatment that works.

Acne is a skin condition that occurs when your hair follicles become plugged with oil and dead skin cells. Acne usually appears on your face, neck, chest, back and shoulders. Symptoms include papules, blackheads, white heads and scars. Various factors are known to be responsible for acne such as hormonal changes, genetics, lifestyle, stress or infection.

Drugs as well as over the counter creams are available for the treatment of acne yet most of these products give temporary benefit, irritate skin, develop rash, or at times just do nothing to control the breakout. Natural remedies are effective in management of acne. They not only target the problem but also help in purifying the blood and rejuvenating the skin.

Akpre with its innovative formulation helps to clear out the acne and prevent the future breakout. It is enriched with aloe vera, turmeric and wheat germ oil that act as an anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-fungal agent. The natural extract nourishes the skin and gives it a natural, flawless glow.

Friday, 15 May 2015


When you question a group of people, if they have ever experienced a heart burn, I think every third person will raise their hand. Heart burn is actually a misnomer since it doesn’t have anything to do with the heart. It is it so called due to the burning sensation and warmth feeling in the chest.

Generally esophagus allows the food to travel down into the stomach .The muscle at the bottom of the tube prevents it from backing up. But due to certain factors, this muscle becomes weak and unable to stop the backward movements. Thus the acids that are produced in the stomach moves upward into the esophagus (also called acid reflux) generating the uncomfortable sensation.

Causes of heartburn

People experience heartburn at night since the peristalsis movement of the esophagus and production of saliva decreases at that time of the day. There are several reasons of heart burn but of them the following are important:

Food and drugs that irritates the lining of the esophagus

Spicy food and beverages

Any factor that creates a pressure on the stomach

Certain medical conditions

A modification in the lifestyle, body positioning after eating play an important role in managing heartburn but herbal medication acts miraculously to not only treat the indication from grass root level without just giving a symptomatic relief but also does not allow the problem to relapse again.

Pepsto with the goodness of Brahmi (Hydrocotyle asiatica) and Mulethi (Glycyrrhiza glabra) provides a mucosal barrier and protects the stomach lining. Additionally Brahmi is also a rich source of vitamin K, magnesium, calcium and sodium that helps in neutralizing the stomach acids and aids in increased mucosal defense.

It is safe to be continued for a longer period without changing the pH of the gut. 

*The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. Pl don't use this info to diagnose or treat health problems without consulting doctor.

Friday, 8 May 2015


It is very surprising that every one of us live with hemorrhoids and only when it enlarges or gets swollen and stretched, it is referred to as disease also known as piles. The exact cause of hemorrhoids is still unknown but following factors may be responsible for its development

  •          Irregularbowel
  •          Improper dietary habits
  •          Obesity, hypertension
  •          Pregnancy
  •          Chronic cough
  •          Abdominal pressure and pelvic floor dysfunction hemorrhoids. 
    Hemorrhoids are of two types internal and external with the common symptoms of bleeding, itching irritation and fecal inconsistence.

     Diet is known to play an important role in managing piles. Foods that are rich in dietary fiber, rich in fluid, legumes are helpful in such condition. It helps in maintaining the soft consistency of the stool. Caffeine products lead to dehydration and hence they should be avoided as far as possible. A lifestyle modification, staying active and exercising also eases out the problem.

More and more people are running away from surgical procedures and modern medicines and  
looking  fornatural therapy for hemorrhoids. 
Rectawin by SalveoLifesciences is one such winning combination for rectal disorders such as piles, 
anal fistula, eczema, anal fissures that gives relief faster.

Theherbs present in Rectawin such as Mimosa pudica (lajwanti), Vitex negundo (Nirgundi)with 
neem does  wonders  in the above indications.It is a clinically proven formula and found to be 
extremely safe for prolonged use.

Rectawin has the anti-inflammatory properties that helps to shrink the pile mass , control bleeding, 
heal the inflamed skin. The other ingredients such as Aeglemarmelos possesses laxative properties  
that helps to clear out the digestive tract.

Just  an application of 1-2 times  daily before defecation helps to give a quick and sustained relief.

   * The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. Pl don't use this info to diagnose or treat health problems without consulting doctor.

Wednesday, 6 May 2015


Asthma is a chronic lung condition characterised by difficulty in breathing. People with asthma have extra sensitive or hyper responsive airways. These airways when irritated narrows down obstructing the air to pass leading to symptoms such as

                                                       • Wheezing
                                                       • Coughing
                                                       • Shortness of breath
                                                       • Chest tightness

Both genetic as well as environmental factors are responsible for asthma. But today air pollution is one of the triggering factors that have increased the asthma cases. In addition, other factors such as stress, bacterial and viral infections of respiratory tract, dust, allergens and moulds worsen the condition.

There is no cure to asthma but certainly modification in diet and lifestyle along with medicine can help to manage it. One such time tested medicine is Lobodil.

Lobodil provides a complete natural solution. Vasicine and vasionine principle ingredients of herb Adathoda vasica (vasaka), zingiberine and zingiberol in Sonth, Pipwaqarine in black pepper together with nisdal helps in liquefying the dry cough and expelling it.

Lobodil has strong antibacterial and bronchodilating actions that prevent the release of inflammatory mediators that leads to asthmatic attacks. Lobodil has been tested clinically in Germany and Canada without any adverse reactions and ideally suited for long term treatment. It also has the superoxide radical scavenging property that helps in killing the invading microorganism.

Lobodil provides complete relief in conditions such as shortness to breadth, wheezing, and nocturnal dyspnoea, allergic cough, cough and cold and can be continued with other medications as well.

* The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. Pl don't use this info to diagnose or treat health problems without consulting doctor.

Friday, 1 May 2015

Know The Liver Diseases

Liver is an important organ of the body that takes a major role in digestion, metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and breakdown of insulin. It is the warehouse for many vital nutrients. Liver diseases can be genetic or due to various other factors but alcohol abuse is one of the main reasons for liver damage. 

The various types of diseases of the liver are:

  •  Jaundice: A symptom that occurs due to the abnormal increase in destruction of red blood cells that reduces the ability of liver to remove and modify bilirubin or obstructs the flow of bile to the arteries. It generally leads to yellowing of skin and sclera of eyes.
  • Cirrhosis: The replacement of damaged liver tissues by formation of fibrous tissue and nodules that ultimately interrupts the functioning of the liver id called as cirrhosis. It may be as a result of alcoholism or viral hepatitis. One of the common complications of cirrhosis is fluid retention in the abdominal cavity. The damage in this case cannot be reversed but further progression can be arrested.
  •  Hepatitis: It is the inflammation of the liver caused by viral infections or other factors such as toxin alcohol or drugs. The common viral hepatitis are Hepatitis A, B, C, D and E.
  • Liver toxicity: Exposure to pollutants and toxins continuously leads to necrosis or cell death that causes the liver to be sluggish.
  • Alcohol induced liver disease: Inflammation of liver accompanied by destruction of liver cells and deposition of fat inside liver cells (fatty liver). It may lead to portal hypertension, enlarged spleen, kidney failure or liver cancer.
  • Non alcoholic fatty liver: Non alcoholic fatty liver shows general signs and symptoms such as:

ü  Lack of appetite
ü  Weight loss
ü  Malaise

All such indications of liver are healed naturally with the supplementation of Livful. Livful  exhibits hepato protective and anti viral activities due to the natural ingredients like Haritaki, Bhumi Amla and bringraj. It completely antagonises the toxic effect of paracetamol on certain enzymes as well as in isolated hepatic cells. It also addresses the non-specific loss of appetite associated with prolonged illness.

It is safe to be continued for longer period under medical supervision.

* The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. Pl don't use this info to diagnose or treat health problems without consulting doctor.