The Science Of Life

A Healthy outside starts from Inside.

Relief, So Natural

Natural remedies, not medicine!


Nature itself is the best physician.

Healthy Diet

When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need!


An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Premature Ejaculation is not an ordeal anymore with Salveo

We have all experienced premature ejaculation once or twice in our life. While occasionally it can be an issue you can live with but there cannot be anything more embarrassing or unfair than it if you repeatedly fail to perform in bed.

Premature ejaculation means that your sexual pleasure is only short lived and you may not even be able to bring your partner to a climax.

Premature ejaculation is a very common complaint. So the first thing you should do is breathe easy about it. If you have premature ejaculation, there is nothing wrong or over-the-top about it. It is a common condition that many men suffer from every now and then. Just because you have ejaculated prematurely today, does not mean it will happen always.

Both psychological and physiological factors come into play when you talk about premature ejaculation. Unfortunately, many men feel embarrassed talking about it and do not seek help, prolonging a condition that could have been easily cured. So the first thing is that you should talk about it with someone. Seek a doctor or a sexologist and discuss your problem with them. If you want discretion, you may try out an Ayurvedic premature ejaculation cure too.

What Are the Causes of Premature Ejaculation?

The causes are really simple, but to make them simpler they are divided into two categories.

Psychological Factors
Anxiety about intercourse
Being in a situation in which you hurry towards a climax
Cultural guilt related to sexual pleasure
Erectile dysfunction
Problems or lack of understanding between you and your partner

Salveo life Sciences comes up with the solution that eradicates the trouble and re-establishes a normal sexual life in very short span of time. Premature ejaculation is an uncontrolled ejaculation either before or shortly after intercourse begins. In this particular case ejaculation occurs before the person wishes it, with minimal sexual stimulation. Most cases of premature ejaculation do not have a clear cause. With sexual experience and age, men often learn to delay orgasm. Premature ejaculation may occur with a new partner. However, by resolving all the complications, curing premature ejaculation is very easy now with Salveo Life Sciences.

Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. Please do not use this information to diagnose or treat health problems without consulting a doctor.

Monday, 15 May 2017

Cure Prostatitis Naturally with the Herbal Remedy of Salveo

Prostatitis is the swelling of prostate, a gland that looks like a walnut and that is found just below the urinary bladder of a man. In fact this gland produces the fluid that actually nourishes as well as transports sperm. A man, especially those who are in their forties and fifties are susceptible to this disease. Acute prostatitis usually is caused due to the bacterial infection. This type of infection begins when the harmful bacteria in urine begin to enter the prostate gland. The nerve injury in the lower portion of the urinary tract also can contribute to this type of ailment.

The common symptoms associated with prostatitis are as follows: 

Problem in urination like dribbling urination
Feeling pain as well as burning sensation while urinating
Frequent urge to urinate especially during the night time
Cloudy urine
Pain inside the groin, abdomen or in the lower back portion
Feeling discomfort on the testicles
Pain in the region between the rectum as well as scrotum
Painful ejaculation

Salveo Life Sciences is a leading herbal medicine manufacturing company that is dedicated in offering herbal medicines for arthritis, asthma, diabetes and other ailments. For natural prostatitis cure, Salveo’s Prostasafe proves to be quite effective. It is a powerful as well as safe medicine that can be used even by the elderly men.  This medicine is effective for maintaining proper prostatic health such as controlling Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), diminishing the risks of damage of prostate due to surgical intervention and so on.  It is prepared from the herbal extracts and they do not cause any damage to the human beings. The ingredient Saw Palmetto has beta sitosterol ingredients that hinder the overall activity of 5 aplhsreductate and diminishes the di-hydro testosterone levels related to BPH. Another ingredient Praval is rich in calcium that helps in the effective retention of urine. Tamarixarticulata contains di-uretic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. Please do not use this information to diagnose or treat health problems without consulting a doctor.  

Friday, 12 May 2017

Reinforce the strength of your bone through Salveo’s home remedy for arthritis

If your fingers, hips, knees, or other joints feel acute pain when you utilize them, you could have osteoarthritis or sometimes just termed arthritis or OA. It’s a swelling of your joints brought on by wear and tear over several years. The cartilage which is a rubbery tissue covering the ends of your bones breaks down over time and with the increasing age, leaving your bones without a single support to cushion them. Needless to say, this causes them to rub against each other. Your joints can become inflamed and it can be very painful as well. Let’s discuss some physical activities that can help in this kind of situation.

Physical Activity

Even though you may not feel like doing it, exercise is the one and only panacea that you can use to relieve arthritis pain and lessen joint damage. Exercise can also help you reduce weight. That will put less stress on your joints as well.

Stretching: This is the exercises to increase your flexibility, fitness and range of motion and lubricate your joints. Your doctor may prescribe specific stretching exercises. Salveo Life Sciences, one of the most reputed companies for its unique and safe herbal medicines produces Ostranil gel, capsules, tablets and oils which is one of the best home remedy for arthritis as the company is reputed for its unique and safe herbal medicines.

There are several medical treatments for arthritis patients. Some easy natural solutions can also provide relief from the pain of asthma. Let’s follow those to eradicate arthritis permanently. Thus, one can control and manage arthritis pain with the easy way shown by Salveo Life Sciences as Ayurveda has enormous capability to prevent us from any kind of simple and complicated ailments.

Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. Please do not use this information to diagnose or treat health problems without consulting a doctor. 

Thursday, 11 May 2017

Salveo’s Herbal Remedy Is the Best Elixir for Urinary Tract Infection

The infection of the urinary tract known as dysuria is an acute disease that mostly occurs in women of different age groups. However it is reported that men too suffer from this ailment, though they are less susceptible to this type of ailment. According to the recent studies, many women even suffered from this ailment for more than two times. This trend seems to be quite alarming and it also has developed a lot of anxiety amongst the patients.

This type of infection usually can even develop into a serious medical condition if it is not treated in the initial stage. It can even affect any part of urinary system like bladder, ureter, kidney as well as urethra.

However, this kind of infection does not always show obvious symptoms. However there are a few common symptoms that the patients suffering from this disease can experience at some point of time:

Passage of frequent as well as small amount of urine
Frequent urge for urination
Experiencing burning sensation during urination
Passage of red colored and cloudy urine

In fact, this type of infection recurs if the harmful bacteria remains within the body and gets the scope to grow. The bacteria namely Escherichia coli are responsible for causing this infection amongst the people.

For urinary tract infection treatment, people usually depend on a wide array of herbal medicines, especially the one being provided by Salveo Life Sciences. Its Normout syrup is an effective poly herbal formulation that is often used for the treatment of urinary calculii, burning micturition as well as recurrent infection of the urinary tract. It can be prepared from several herbal ingredients like Tribulusterrestris, Shwetparpati, Boerhaviadiffusa and it does not bring in side effects on the human body.

Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. Please do not use this information to diagnose or treat health problems without consulting a doctor.

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Herbal Medicine of Salveo Is Perfect for Urinary Tract Infection Treatment

The infection of the urinary tract known as dysuria is an acute disease that mostly occurs in women of different age groups. However it is reported that men too suffer from this ailment, though they are less susceptible to this type of ailment. According to the recent studies, many women even suffered from this ailment for more than two times. This trend seems to be quite alarming and it also has developed a lot of anxiety amongst the patients.

This type of infection usually can even develop into a serious medical condition if it is not treated in the initial stage. It can even affect any part of urinary system like bladder, ureter, kidney as well as urethra.

However, this kind of infection does not always show obvious symptoms. However there are a few common symptoms that the patients suffering from this disease can experience at some point of time:

Passage of frequent as well as small amount of urine
Frequent urge for urination
Experiencing burning sensation during urination
Passage of red colored and cloudy urine

In fact, this type of infection recurs if the harmful bacteria remains within the body and gets the scope to grow. The bacteria namely Escherichia coli are responsible for causing this infection amongst the people.

For urinary tract infection treatment, people usually depend on a wide array of herbal medicines, especially the one being provided by Salveo Life Sciences. Its Normout syrup is an effective poly herbal formulation that is often used for the treatment of urinary calculii, burning micturition as well as recurrent infection of the urinary tract. It can be prepared from several herbal ingredients like Tribulusterrestris, Shwetparpati, Boerhaviadiffusa and it does not bring in side effects on the human body.

Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. Please do not use this information to diagnose or treat health problems without consulting a doctor.

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Get Rid of Premature Ejaculation Issue with Salveo’s Herbal Medicine

According to the recent report, almost thirty percent of men usually suffer from premature ejaculation at some point of time in their sexual life and it can cause huge distress in them. If the ejaculation occurs thirty seconds to four minutes during sex, then it is considered to be premature.

As the term suggests, the premature ejaculation is the discharge that occurs too soon for a man as well as his partner to enjoy sex. In fact two types of premature ejaculations are prevalent amongst the people and they are called lifelong as well as acquired ejaculation issues. The lifelong premature ejaculation occurs in the early stage of life, that is, when during your adolescence and when you experience sexual contact for the very first time. It is indeed difficult to treat this disorder and it also leads to deep psychological problems. Few bad habits also can contribute to this type of ailment. The acquired prematureejaculation happens in the later stage of life and it can be prompted either by psychological or physical conditions such as diabetes or high level of blood pressure. Certain psychological factors like depression, lack of knowledge, anxiety also leads to this type of problem.  With increasing age as well as experience, men lead to delayed orgasm. However this type of ejaculation can also happen when you go for a new partner for sex or during certain sexual situations.

Headquartered in Delhi, Salveo Life Sciences brings in an effective remedy called VignorFortea that cures this disorder, removes the trouble as well as helps to re-establish the normal sexual life within a short period of time. In fact this product helps to remove other relevant disorders such as erectile dysfunction as well as nocturnal ejaculation. It also helps to increase the flow of penile blood. With Salveo’s herbal medicine, you can easily resolve your health disorder. 

Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. Please do not use this information to diagnose or treat health problems without consulting a doctor

Monday, 8 May 2017

Salveo’s Normout Syrup is Effective for the Treatment of Kidney Stones

If you experience a chronic pain on the abdomen and if that pain spreads to the lower back portion of your body then it can be taken as an indication of the kidney stones.  You may even notice blood in the urine and you may also feel the urge to urinate frequently, though you pass out only a small amount of urine at a time.

Numerous health problems may arise on a regular basis and they also go away on their own and then they recur after a certain point of time. However the ideal thing is to cure these problems permanently. The acute physical sensation caused by the solid mineral mass in the urinary tract or in the kidneys is known as renal colic and this type of condition is caused due to the formation of the kidney stones. Calcium stones, cysteine stone, Uric acid stones, infection stones are different categories of the kidney stones.

Do you know that you can cure this ailment without undergoing the hassle of surgery? Indeed, there are several home remedies available for removing these stones. Unlike allopathic medicines they do not cause damage to the human bodies and they bring in excellent results. Lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, kidney beans, pomegranate juice, basil are some of the home remedies for kidney stones.

The diverse symptoms that mostly occur due to this ailment are as follows:

Frequent urination
Passing blood during urination
Abnormal color of the urine
Painful urination
Sudden as well as chronic pain occurs as well as goes off after a certain point of time. The pain may be felt on the abdomen, back portion and also in the genitals.

Salveo Life Sciences, one of the leading herbal medicine manufacturing companies, comes up with the permanent remedy for this ailment and it also proves to be more effective than the above-mentioned home remedies. Salveo’s Normout syrup is an excellent poly herbal formulation that is highly recommended for the treatment of kidney stones, urinary calculi, burning micturition as well as recurrent urinary tract infection and so on.

Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. Please do not use this information to diagnose or treat health problems without consulting a doctor.

Saturday, 6 May 2017

Salveo’s Lobodil Suspension Helps You to Get Rid of Asthma Effectively

The obstruction of the airways that actually carry the air to the lungs is what causes asthma in the people. In fact, the inflammation of the respiratory tract of the human beings causes this chronic ailment. This kind of inflammation leads to the thinning of the airways, thereby limiting the total amount of air entering the lungs

In most cases, the asthma problem is associated with the physical movements that are carried out by various people. In few cases, this type of problem occurs mainly because of some kind of tiresome activity. For instance, exercise induced bronchoconstriction (EIB) is a type of asthma problem that occurs during exercise session. When your parents as well as grandparents suffer from chronic illness, then also you are susceptible to this illness during the childhood or even during the advanced stage of your life.

Also people who suffer from asthma may suffer from the allergies that are caused due to different types of food items. The fumes and dust particles would lead to occupational asthma. The recent studies also have revealed certain cases where the kids have been afflicted with this disease even before they are four years old.

The effective home remedies for asthma include the consumption of various juices that are prepared from natural compounds like ginger, mustard oil, coffee, eucalyptus oil as well as clove. For the best outcome, people depend on the essential herbal medicines offered by Salveo Life Sciences.

This herbal medicine called Lobodil suspension is the best and safest way to treat this ailment. In fact, Lobodil suspension is an effective mass cell stabilizer that prevents the production of the essential inflammatory mediators that actually lead to asthma problem as well as improve the immune system of the human beings. The key herbal ingredients such as Banslochana as well as Adathoda vasica contain the anti -histaminic ingredients and also control different types of symptoms associated with the respiratory problems. Another ingredient namely Nisdalcan softens the dry cough and also expels it thereby offering great relief from the nasal and bronchial congestion.

Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. Please do not use this information to diagnose or treat health problems without consulting a doctor.

Friday, 5 May 2017

Salveo Helps You to Get Rid of the Chronic Disease of Diabetes Effectively

Diabetes secures the third position in the list of the chronic ailments and it causes blindness, kidney damage and it is even thought to be responsible for the amputation of toes as well as feet in some cases. According to the experts, this ailment also increases the risk of cardiac problems and other heart ailments in people.

Indeed, diabetes is a metabolic illness that seems to be quite annoying. It occurs whenever the human body fails to produce an adequate amount of insulin hormone. This hormone is essential for the appropriate utilization of energy from glucose. It also play a role in the proper burning as well as storage of the glucose ingredient and also in the conversion of additional glucose in the form of essential ingredient called glycogen. It also influences the functioning of vital organs such heart, kidney, retina as well as heart. Therefore controlling blood sugar level is of great importance for preserving your good health.

X- Diaba capsule that is offered by the leading herbal medicine manufacturer Salveo Life Sciences proves to be effective in diabetes treatment. In fact it acts as an adjuvant since it contains a huge amount of natural elements. This capsule stimulates the B cells of the pancreas as well as diminishes the prolonged complications associated with this ailment. It also bestows power and strength to a human body and also works as a vital restorative agent. 

Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. Please do not use this information to diagnose or treat health problems without consulting a doctor.

Thursday, 4 May 2017

Stay away from pain due to piles with the help of Salveo’s herbal remedy

Multiple factors contribute to the growth of piles such as constipation, pregnancy, and diarrhea and so on. In spite of the health complications, it is quite easy to treat this ailment at home with the help of Salveo Life Sciences. It is one of the leading herbal medicine manufacturing companies that use both the age old Ayurveda principles and the scientific practices to develop effective herbal medicines for piles in the form of Rectawin cream as well as capsules. 

Do you wish to know about diverse causes of this ailment? Well, constipation is one of the most common causes of this disease. In fact the difficulty in the discharge of bowel during constipation is one of the most important causes of this ailment. However it is not the only reason for this type of ailment. Other causes of this disease are as follows: 

Gastric issues 
Constipation during the pregnancy period 
Increasing weight of the uterus
Genetic problems

According to the recent research, piles disease affects nearly sixty percent of the people in India at some point of time of their lives. When the veins in the rectum and anus are inflamed as well as swollen up, then this ailment is called haemorrhoids or piles. 

As already mentioned, Salveo comes up with Rectawin, an effective ayurvedic medicine for piles and it is prepared from herbal extracts that are used for the treatment of piles, itching as well as other rectal disease. It gives you relief from pain and also ensures quick evacuation of the feces. It is also used to cure certain medical conditions such as anal fistula, anal eczema, swelling, chronic piles and so on. The herbal ingredients such as Mimosa pudica and Cinnamomum have anti-hemorrhoidal ingredients and also work as an antimicrobial agent that effectively shrinks the pile mass, prevents bleeding as well as controls the healing procedure of the inflamed skin. Another ingredient Azadiracha helps in the healing process and it also contains anti-bacterial ingredients. It is advisable that people should consume one to two capsules at least two times per day. 

Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. Please do not use this information to diagnose or treat health problems without consulting a doctor.

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Noni Capsules increases immunity power incredibly

Immunodeficiency disorders prevent your body from fighting infections and diseases. This type of disorder makes it easier for you to catch viruses and bacterial infections.

Immunodeficiency disorders are either congenital or acquired. A congenital, or primary, disorder is one you were born with. Acquired, or secondary, disorders you get later in life. Acquired disorders are more common than congenital disorders.

Your immune system includes the following organs:

bone marrow
lymph nodes

Polluted air can harm our bodies in many ways. Starting from respiratory problems to coughing, throat irritation, chest tightness, wheezing and shortness of breath, countless health problems can arise due to air pollution. The reason of discussing on air pollution is not only because we always inhale and take the polluted air but the results of air pollution are also very dangerous and with a high speed and increasing pollution rate, mainly, in each second our body, blood stream, heart, lungs, brain, each and every body part is suffering from diseases. It causes severe health problems like cancer and lack of immunity power. The perilous effects of pollution damage the entire system within human body.  Recent studies have shown that air pollution can harm lung development in children and childhood asthma as well .Higher air pollution levels are associated with a higher incidence of heart problems and heart attacks. Toxic air pollution can increase the risk of cancer. 

These organs make and release lymphocytes. These are white blood cells classified as B cells and T cells. B and T cells fight invaders called antigens. B cells release antibodies specific to the disease your body detects. T cells destroy foreign or abnormal cells.

Examples of antigens that your B and T cells might need to fight off include:

cancer cells

An immunodeficiency disorder disrupts your body’s ability to defend itself against these antigens.

Salveo is showing how one can maintain healthy life with herbal medicines and protect immunity system from pollutants. Noni Capsules is a unique creation of Salveo that increases the immunity power in human body and beef up the immunity system to fight against all kinds of diseases. Noni Capsules is an organic dietary supplement of Morinda Cirtifolia fruit. These fruits are grown in the volcanic soil and a pollution free environment in Andaman and Nicobar islands. It is a natural immune booster with more than 160 nutraceuticals. It has been proved that this herbal medicine is essential for maintaining and promoting the overall quality of life. In the closing note, the company promises a safe, effective and a 100% natural, herbal cure to the users at an affordable cost. 

Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. Please do not use this information to diagnose or treat health problems without consulting a doctor.

Monday, 1 May 2017

Get Rid of Your Irritating Cough with the Help of Salveo Life Sciences

Coughing occurs whenever the dust, viruses, bacteria or other microorganisms irritate the end parts of the human nerves in the airways between the throat and the lungs. While the chronic cough is a symptom of a serious ailment, one should consider the common cold and cough more of irritation rather than a major illness. Sore throat, sneezing, congestion, body ache, headache are a few symptoms of this cold ailment.

While several patients depend on the allopathic drugs, the experts believe that most of these medicines bring in harmful side effects to the human bodies. So how do you cure the coughing bouts without consuming these drugs? The answer is simple. You have the scope to treat this ailment with the help of herbal cough remedies.

Amongst multiple herbal medicine manufacturing companies, the name of Salveo Life Sciences deserves  a special mention. In fact, this company has gained prominence in manufacturing effective herbal medicines for diabetes, skin disease, arthritis, indigestion and many more. Salveo Life Sciences  also manufactures an excellent herbal cough syrup called Tuswas. It is a non-alcoholic and mucolytic medicine that can cure all types of cough issues and it does not induce drowsiness.

It is also safe both for kids and elderly people. The herbal ingredients such as honey, Tulsi and Adathodavasica are used for the preparation of this medicine. Common cold, nasal congestion, allergic cough and dry cough can be cured with this syrup. All these herbal compounds are rich in anti-bacterial, anti-allergic and anti-oxidant properties. Both the kids and the adults can take this drug for three or four times on a daily basis. While the kids are recommended to take one teaspoonful every day, the adults should take one to two teaspoonful of Tuswas syrup regularly. 

Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. Please do not use this information to diagnose or treat health problems without consulting a doctor.