The Science Of Life

A Healthy outside starts from Inside.

Relief, So Natural

Natural remedies, not medicine!


Nature itself is the best physician.

Healthy Diet

When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need!


An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!

Thursday, 31 August 2017

Cure Acne and Other Skin Disorders With Salveo’s Herbal Cream

Acne is a skin disease that causes unpleasant spots and marks on the facial skin and many people face this problem at some point in time in their lives.  According to the experts, this skin issue mostly affects the teenagers. There are several factors behind the formation of acne but the primary reasons could be any of the following reasons:

Junk foods contribute towards the formation of acne. They cause constipation which in turn causes acne.

The acne sufferers and also the teenagers who are more prone to this type of ailment are found to maintain unhygienic skin care practices. Indeed, this condition becomes worst if they do not wash their faces regularly and often leave dirt and oil on their faces throughout the night.

Oily skin is one of the key factors behind the formation of acne. In fact, the pores of the skin are clogged most of the time if anyone has an oily skin, thereby allowing less amount of oxygen to travel within the surface of the skin. This condition is responsible for the growth of acne and other skin problems.

The overuse of cosmetics and beauty products on the face can keep the facial skin open to toxins as well as chemical ingredients that ultimately cause acne problem.

At the time of treatment of other ailments, people need to consume certain drugs that can also cause acne or other skin problems.

There are several over the counter medicines that are available for the treatment of acne. Although they cure the issue fast they often cause side effects. The herbal medicine offered by Salveo Life Sciences proves to be effective and help you to get clean and glowing skin like never before. Salveo’s Akpre cream is prepared from the herbal extracts that are rich in anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and astringent ingredients and this medicine can help to cure acne, protect the skin from scavenging free radicals and also avoid premature aging.

Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. Please do not use this information to diagnose or treat health problems without consulting a doctor.

Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Prevent Indigestion Disorder with the Natural Cure of Salveo

Indigestion is defined as the sign of an underlying issue like gallbladder disease, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, ulcer and so on. In fact, the treatment you get may depend on the exact cause of this medical condition. In fact, there are various ways how you can feel better or at least avoid getting it any point of time.

Causes and Symptoms

Indigestion occurs due to the difficulty in the secretion of the digestive juice in the stomach. Generally, this indigestion procedure begins just after the consumption of the fatty as well as spicy food or even because of overeating. In fact, it can also be triggered due to certain medical conditions such as obesity, irritable bowel syndrome, anxiety, stomach ailment and so on. The common symptoms related to indigestion problem are nausea, belching, and gas, belly pain, acidic taste, growling stomach and so on.

In fact, the symptoms turn out to be worst if you are exhausted. If you swallow air while consuming food, it often leads to diverse complications of the human body. Your risk also increases due to huge consumption of liquor, usage of medicines that can cause irritation to the stomach such as pain killers, ulcer inside the digestive tract and the like.

Herbal Medicine of Salveo as Perfect Remedy

In order to get relief from this problem, people often depend on the herbal medicine offered by Salveo Life Sciences. Salveo’s Pepsto Syrup enhances the mucosal barrier and the duodenal lining that is eroded due to the stomach acid and even causes ulcer. The best part is that this medicine is prepared from multiple herbal ingredients such as Holarrhena asiatica, Glycyrrhiza glabra, and Brahmmi that offer anti-ulcerative effect and also prevent the gastric mucosal secretion and the like. In a nutshell, you may avoid the symptoms related to indigestion by using Salveo’s herbal medicine.

Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. Please do not use this information to diagnose or treat health problems without consulting a doctor.

Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Keep the Dandruff Issue at Bay with Presoria shampoo of Salveo

It is obvious that you want to have dazzling hair free from dandruff problem. However it is impossible to get clean and healthy scalp amidst dirt and pollution all around. With the passage of time, the problem of dandruff even turns out to be a major issue that also calls for immediate attention. This dandruff problem if it is not resolved on time often turns out to be an acute problem such as acute allergy on the scalp that also can cause itching and even discharge blood.


Although pollution is known to be one of the main factors for dandruff, there are other reasons that too can cause this problem amongst the people. For instance, an improper combing often cause huge damage of your scalp, thereby leaving your hair stinky and dirty. It is only because of regular combing and brushing that you would be able to manage your dandruff problem. In other words, it is important that you must keep your scalp free from all types of impurities or else there is every possibility that you would usually suffer from acute dandruff problem from time to time.

Herbal cleanser from Salveo

Salveo Life Sciences is considered to be one of the leading herbal medicine manufacturing companies introducing medicines for the treatment of indigestion, asthma, diabetes, asthma, menopause, arthritis and other maladies. In fact, this company believes in the ancient natural therapy called Ayurveda and it also comes up with Presoria dandruff cleanser. It is considered to be vital herbal cleanser for hair fall due to dandruff and it also nourishes the hair follicles as well as allows you to get glowing hair by all possible means. The herbal ingredients such as Fenugreek, Tea tree oil are rich in anti-fungal and anti-bacterial ingredients that prevent the occurrence of dandruff from time to time. Get rid of this problem and get dazzling hair with the help of effective hair cleanser from Salveo.

Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. Please do not use this information to diagnose or treat health problems without consulting a doctor.

Monday, 28 August 2017

No More Irritation Due To Dark Circles, Courtesy Salveo

The dark circles under the eyes generally imply that the darkening is found below the eyes. It is different from any kind of bruising caused due to trauma as well as redness and also inflammation caused by around one eye.

Fatigue is considered to be the most common cause of this problem. At times, the things that actually seem to be dark circle under the eyes can be just shadows cast by the puffy eyelids or even hollows under the eyes that occur as a normal part of aging. Here are a few common symptoms that are associated with dark circles under the eyes:

Hay fever
Contact dermatitis
Dark circles under the circles can run in the families
Pigmentation irregularities
Scratching as well as rubbing the eyes

Huge exposure to the sun that often prompts the body to produce more melanin, the pigment that is responsible for the color of your skin

Thinning of skin as well as loss of collagen and fat often cause reddish blue blood vessels under the eyes

The home remedies for this ailment are recommended for those who are afflicted with this disease. For example, cucumbers are rich in astringent properties and they are used for the treatment of dark circles. They can easily make the color of your skin appear light, decrease puffiness and also increase the blood flow. Potatoes have bleaching properties that are effective for the removal of these circles. Because of its antioxidant properties, rose water may help you to regenerate the skin tissues, strengthen the skin cells and also remove this ailment below the eyes.

Salveo Life Sciences, a leading herbal medicine manufacturing company comes up with an effective herbal medicine called Melatru cream. This anti-pigmentation skin is perfect for all kinds of skin and it also helps to remove dark circles under the eyes and also helps to repair damage caused due to ultraviolet light. The best thing is that it is prepared from herbal ingredients such as Curcuma longa, Aloe vera and, Vetiver and it does not cause side effects.

Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. Please do not use this information to diagnose or treat health problems without consulting a doctor.

Friday, 18 August 2017

Use dandruff-free as well as glowing hair with Salveo’s herbal shampoo

Do you want to have glowing hair free from dandruff? In fact, it is impossible to get a healthy scalp in the midst of dirt and pollution. With each passing day, indeed it can become a chronic health issue that indeed calls for medical attention. In fact, this dandruff problem if it is unchecked can cause acute health issues such as allergy on the scalp that can even ooze blood and also can cause an itching problem. Besides pollution, poor combing may also cause itching on your scalp thereby leaving your hair stinky as well as dry. Therefore it is essential that you should keep your scalp clean from various impurities or else, you may suffer from this issue time and again.

Salveo Life Sciences, a popular herbal medicine manufacturing company, offers several medicines for the treatment of asthma, urinary tract infection, indigestion, arthritis, diabetes and other maladies. In fact, this company follows the age old practice called Ayurveda as well as offers a vital medicine known as Presoria shampoo. In fact, it is a wonderful herbal cleanser for hair fall due to dandruff and it also nourishes hair follicles as well as helps in the development of hair by all possible ways. The herbal extracts namely Fenugreek and tea tree oil can be used for its preparation. The best thing is that these ingredients are rich in antibacterial as well as anti-fungal properties and control the growth of dandruff. Enjoy healthy as well as dazzling hair with this type of shampoo naturally.

Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. Please do not use this information to diagnose or treat health problems without consulting a doctor.

Thursday, 17 August 2017

Salveo’s Rectawin Works remarkably for the Patients Suffering from Piles

It is vital to remember that all of us live with the hemorrhoids but when they are enlarged or swollen then it leads to a chronic ailment called piles. However the true cause of this illness is not known but certain factors such as irregular bowel, hypertension, obesity, poor dietary habits are responsible for this ailment.

According to the experts, there are two types of hemorrhoids and they are namely internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids. Itching, bleeding, irritation and fecal incontinence are some of the common symptoms of this ailment.

There are several home therapies recommended for the people suffering from this ailment. For instance, you may drink one teaspoon of olive oil regularly. Indeed it proves to be an effective home remedy for piles. It helps to reduce the inflammation and mono-saturated fats to enhance the functioning of the excretory system as a whole. It is vital that you should consume whole grain products if you are afflicted with this disease. These products contain large amount of fibrous elements that can help you to cure this ailment by all possible means.

A large number of people often look out for the herbal remedies that can be more effective that above mentioned home therapies for piles. Salveo Life Sciences, a popular herbal medicine manufacturer, comes up with Rectawin capsules that can cure several rectal ailments such as anal fissures, fistula, piles and eczema naturally. All these herbal capsules can be prepared from the herbal ingredients such as Cinnamomum and Mimosa pudica that can help to shrink the pile mass, prevent bleeding and prohibits the healing procedure of the inflamed skin. Another herbal ingredient called Azadiracha is rich in anti-bacterial ingredients and also helps in fast healing. Other ingredients such as Terminallia chebula and Aegle marmelos work as effective laxative and help you to get rid of this ailment easily.

Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. Please do not use this information to diagnose or treat health problems without consulting a doctor.

Monday, 14 August 2017

Get Rid of Dark Circles under the Eyes with Salveo’s Herbal Medicine

There are nearly three hundred essential oils that are used by the professionals but the people use only a few of them. These oils contain multiple health benefits and the most important one is that they have the capacities to treat the dark circles under the eyes. In fact, these natural oils can penetrate through the skin as well as cell membranes immediately. It takes few seconds for them to diffuse through tissues and blood. Moreover they also help to control anxiety, anger and other emotions effectively.

The essential oils also contain oxygen molecules that can transport oxygen to other cells in the human bodies that are devoid of oxygen and also to the cells that require nutrients. The cells in the body need oxygen to become healthy in order to perform certain activities properly and these essential oils also help them in this matter.

Apart from curing the dark circles under the eyes, they can soothe the muscles and joints in the best possible way. If you are afflicted with pain on the muscles as well as joints then these oils turn out to be the best medicine for you. You can have minor aches due to your regular activities and you can cure it effectively with them.The essential oils also are rich in antioxidant properties and they help to increase the strength of your body by all possible means.

Other than these essential oils, you can also try out the herbal medicines that are effective for the removal of dark circles under the eyes. One such remedy is Melatru cream offered by Salveo Life Sciences. It is an effective anti-pigmentation cream that helps to repair damage caused due to harmful ultraviolet light on the skin. The key extracts such as Curuma longa, Vetiver and Aloe vera are used for the preparation of this medicine and it also does not cause side effects.

Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. Please do not use this information to diagnose or treat health problems without consulting a doctor.

Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Overcome Urinary Tract Infection with Salveo’s Normout Syrup

The urinary tract infection, also known as dysuria, is a chronic ailment that occurs in women of diverse age groups. However it is reported that men too suffer from this disease, though they are less susceptible to it. As per the recent study, many women can suffer from this disease for more than three times. Indeed, this trend can be alarming and it also can create a lot of worry amongst the patients.

This kind of infection can become a serious medical issue if it is not treated in the best possible way. If it is not treated early, this infection may affect any portion of urinary system such as kidney, bladder, urethra and ureter.

This type of infection does not show any obvious symptom. However there are some common symptoms that the people afflicted with this ailment can experience at some point of time. These include frequent urge for urination, passage of frequent and small amount of urine, passage of cloudy and red colored urine and so on.

Indeed, this kind of infection recurs if the harmful bacteria remain in the body as well as grow by all possible ways. The bacteria called Escherichia coli are responsible for causing this ailment amongst the people.

For the treatment of this disease, people usually depend on a wide array of herbal remedies, especially the one offered by Salveo Life Sciences. Its Normout syrup is an excellent poly herbal formulation that can be used for curing certain medical conditions such as recurrent urinary tract infection, urinary calculii, burning micturition and so on. It is prepared from certain herbal extracts such as Shwet parpati, Boerhavia diffusa and Tribulus terrestris and they do not cause damage to the human beings.

Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. Please do not use this information to diagnose or treat health problems without consulting a doctor.

Monday, 7 August 2017

Extirpate the pain of Piles with Salveo Life Sciences

Piles are haemorrhoids that become inflamed. Haemorrhoids are masses, clumps, cushions of tissue in the anal canal - they are full of blood vessels, support tissue, muscle and elastic fibres.

The common and persistent reason of haemorrhoids is constipation. The straining action during constipation, for the discharge of bowels, is among the most important reasons for this condition. However, this is not the only reason of piles. Some of the other causes include:

To reduce the pain and overcome the ailment, patient can apply few natural ingredients on the pile mass before sleeping at night. One can use a mix of turmeric powder, neem powder, aloe vera juice on that particular area.  Apart from that, one can also apply papaya juice mixed with mustard oil.

Let’s discuss the primary reasons of haemorrhoids briefly.

The common and persistent reason of haemorrhoids is constipation. The straining action during constipation, for the discharge of bowels, is among the most important reasons for this condition. However, this is not the only reason of piles. Some of the other causes include:

Untreated gastric conditions
Increasing weight of the uterus
Constipation during pregnancy
Indiscipline lifestyle
Genetic constitution

Luckily, Salveo Life Sciences, one of the most reputed herbal medicine manufacturing companies which produce the combination of Ayurveda and latest technologies in the form of unique medicines. The company assures you effective piles home remedies through Rectawin Capsules and cream. These are the effective combination herbs that act like a remarkable antidote for the common symptoms of piles, itching and other rectal disorders.  

Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. Please do not use this information to diagnose or treat health problems without consulting a doctor.

Friday, 4 August 2017

Boot out the ailment called Prostatitis and live a hazard free life

The infection of prostate gland is called prostatitis. You can say it is as complicated as its name. Sometime, it grows with not a single sign or indication of infection. The thing that you should know is, just 5% to 10% of cases are caused by bacterial infection. It does not raise the risk of prostate cancer.

According to the medical science Prostatitis is inflammation of the prostate gland. The inflammation can be due to an infection as well as other various causes. Prostatitis accounts for nearly 2 million visits per year to outpatient urology practices in the United States.

However, there are numerous changes and alterations are running in human body that occurs with aging. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is used to describe a non-malignant growth of the prostate gland.  Proliferation of the epithelial and smooth muscle cells in the prostatic transition zone provokes this enlargement. As per the experts, the male sex hormones are responsible for this particular condition.

Symptoms of Prostatitis

There are four types of prostatitis. Each has its own set of symptoms and causes. These include:

Acute bacterial prostatitis:  Your urinary tract is made up of your kidneys, bladder, and the tubes that pass between them. If bacteria from here find its way into your prostate, you can get an infection.

This type of prostatitis comes on quickly. You might suddenly have:

High fever
Muscle aches
Joint pain
Pain around the base of your penis or behind your scrotum
Lower back pain
Feeling like you need to have a bowel movement
Trouble peeing
Weak urine stream
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However, Prostatitis cure is easy with Salveo Life Sciences. Prostasafe is a powerful natural medicine produced by Salveo, to the growing concern in aging men. It cares Prostatic health and helps in managing the commencement of Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) and reducing the chances of surgical intervention as well.

Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. Please do not use this information to diagnose or treat health problems without consulting a doctor.

Thursday, 3 August 2017

Natural Medicines of Salveo Are Effective For Cough Ailment

Salveo Life Sciences, a leading herbal medicine manufacturing company, is known to cater to the demands of the patients from across the world. With the state of the art infrastructure, this popular manufacturer comes up with diverse pills and syrup for the treatment of diverse ailments.

Cough is considered to be one of the common ailments that can damage your heath badly. Sore throat, runny nose, hoarseness and feeling of liquid running on the back portion of the throat are some of the common symptoms related to this disease.

In fact there are a few home remedies that are available for curing this ailment in the best possible way. For instance, you may cut down  ginger into small pieces and crush them effectively. The next step is to put these pieces in a cup of water and boil it. It is recommended that you must drink this solution three to four times daily in order to cure acute coughing, congestion and other relevant symptoms.

Generally the elderly people suffer from this ailment from time to time though the youths also may suffer from sore throat problem or other relevant symptoms associated with this ailment at any point of time. You can use effective natural cough remedies called Tuswas syrup and Lobodil Suspension offered by Salveo Life Sciences. For example, Salveo’s Tuswas is non-alcoholic and mucolytic syrup that can cure all forms of cough problems. It is also safe for prolonged administration and also does not induce drowsiness at any point of time. Another medicine called Lobodil suspension is a mass cell stabilizer and prohibits the release of the inflammatory mediators that cause asthmatic attack as well as improve the immune system. The best part is that these medicines are prepared from essential herbal extracts and they do not cause side effects. Remain in the pink of health and avail the best cough remedies offered by Salveo.

Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. Please do not use this information to diagnose or treat health problems without consulting a doctor.