The Science Of Life

A Healthy outside starts from Inside.

Relief, So Natural

Natural remedies, not medicine!


Nature itself is the best physician.

Healthy Diet

When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need!


An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!

Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Enjoy a Diabetes free life with Salveo Life Sciences

Millennia ago, herbal medicines had their own attributes to remove complicated diseases and cure critical ailments. Even now, when there are countless other medicines, no one can deny that the consumption of herbs and usage of Ayurveda helps us to combat different kind of health issues without any side effect and protects our immunity system with incomparable efficacy. We cannot ignore the fact that intake of herbal and ayurvedic medicines do not create any kind of side effect or bad reactions in our body.

Early symptoms of diabetes, especially type 2 diabetes can be subtle or seemingly harmless — that is, if you even have symptoms at all. Over time, however, you may develop diabetes complications, even if you haven't had diabetes symptoms.

Excessive thirst and increased urination

Massive thirst and increased urination is classic diabetes symptoms. When you have diabetes, excess sugar builds up in your blood. Your kidneys are forced to work overtime to filter and soak the excess sugar.


Sometimes, you may feel fatigued. Many factors can contribute to this. They include dehydration from increased urination and your body's disability to function properly, since it's less able to use sugar for energy needs.

Weight loss

Weight fluctuations fall under the umbrella of possible diabetes signs and symptoms as well.

Today, it’s quite difficult to collect these things herbs from the market individually as people don’t have that much of time in maximum cases. Mixing, crushing and the entire preparation would be another hurdle indeed. But we have to control the ailment as quick as possible and in order to do that Salveo Life Sciences, one of the best ayurvedic medicine producers of the country comes up with the natural cure for diabetes. ‘X-Diaba’ from Salveo Life Sciences helps in management of Diabetes as adjuvant therapy. It contains the goodness of Gymnema extracts and Tinospora cordifolia that acts as therapeutic and anti-oxidants. It stimulates the β cells of pancreas and minimizes long term complication of Diabetes mellitus.

Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. Please do not use this information to diagnose or treat health problems without consulting a doctor.

Monday, 25 September 2017

Get Rid of Pneumonia Naturally with Salveo’s Noni Product

Pneumonia is an acute infection that can affect one or both the lungs. It is caused due to viruses, fungi or bacteria. According to the medical experts, bacterial pneumonia indeed is known to be one of the most common ailments in India and other countries. In other words, pneumonia often causes the inflammation of the air sacs inside the lungs.  The alveolus is filled with pus or fluid thereby making it quite difficult for you to breathe.

The symptoms of pneumonia are either minor or life-threatening. The most common symptoms of this ailment are as follows:

Chest pain

Sweating, fever and chills

Shortness of breath

Coughing that can produce phlegm

Salveo Life Sciences, one of the leading herbal medicine manufacturers of the country, shows how one can cure the medical issues related to pneumonia and also enjoys a healthy life with the help of herbal medicines. In fact, the wonderful medicine of Salveo called Andaman Noni can cure pneumonia and improves your immune system by all possible ways. This herbal product prevents Pneumonia, uproots the infection from all over the body and improves the blood flow within the veins. Noni fruits also improve the functioning of the erythrocytes in blood to combat all kind of diseases.  Salveo’s noni Capsules are natural dietary supplements of the original noni fruits.

Andaman noni products are grown in a pollution free environment of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. It is a natural immune booster with more than 160 nutraceuticals. It has been proved that this herbal medicine is essential for maintaining and promoting the overall quality of life. In a nutshell, the company promises to provide an effective and also one hundred percent herbal product for the users at affordable price rates.

Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. Please do not use this information to diagnose or treat health problems without consulting a doctor.

Saturday, 23 September 2017

Get easy relief from Spondylitis pain with Salveo Life Sciences

As with many other terms to describe spinal problems, spondylosis is more of a descriptive term than it is a clinical diagnosis. Literally it can be translated to mean that one has both pain and spine degeneration, regardless of what is causing the pain or where the degeneration is occurring. Spondylitis is a painful ailment undoubtedly. It refers to degenerative transformations in the spine such as bone spurs and degenerating intervertebral discs. Spondylitis is more of a descriptive medical term than it is a clinical diagnosis. The term Spondylo means the vertebrae and Lysis defines disintegration.

Spondylosis is an aging phenomenon. With age, the bones and ligaments in the spine wear, leading to bone spurs (osteoarthritis). Also, the intervertebral discs degenerate and weaken, which can lead to disc herniation and bulging discs.

Let’s discuss some important facts on Salveo that can help you to combat the ailment easily.

Spondylitis can take place in the cervical spine (neck spondylitis), thoracic spine (upper and mid back), or lumbar spine (low back).

Lumbosacral spondylitis is spondylitis which affects both the lumbar spine and the sacral spine.

Multilevel spondylitis defines that these transformations affect multiple vertebrae in the spine.

Spondylosis and Spondylitis are two medical terms that sound similar but are different conditions. Spondylitis is inflammation of one or more vertebrae, like in ankylosing spondylitis, an inflammatory form of arthritis of the spine.

This is a completely different process than spondylosis because spondylosis is degenerative while spondylitis is inflammatory indeed.

Herbal treatment of Spondylitis comprises of natural medicines, exercises and therapies, including those in the Panchakarma genre.

Ayurvedic home remedies like Podikkizhi, Ilakkizhi, Kativasthi, Tailadhara, Nhavarakkizhi and Vasthi are very effective, popular and free from all side effects.

Ayurveda Treatment for Spondylitis & Lumbar Spondylitis in ayurved help relieve the symptoms such as, pain, stiffness, loss of strength and numbness associated with even the complications like Sciatica and Spondylolisthesis.

Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. Please do not use this information to diagnose or treat health problems without consulting a doctor.

Thursday, 21 September 2017

Uproot the respiratory disease called asthma with the help of herbal medicines produced by Salveo

Salveo Life Sciences, one of the most reputed companies are dedicated to provide unique herbal medicines to cure health problems through Ayurveda. The untold facts of ayurvedic medicines are now in application and creating remarkable impact on health through the medicines provided by Salveo.

Asthma is a chronic disease that affects the airways dwelled on human lungs. Airways carry air in and out of the lungs as they are the breathing tubes within the body. If the airways of a person become swollen, then he or she can be considered as an asthma patient. Asthma can be inherited or passed down to anyone from genes, their parents or family.

Let’s discuss few important factors on Asthma and its remedy by Salveo Life Sciences. 

According to Ayurveda, asthma can be developed due to impaired digestion as well.

Medical science explains, malfunctioning digestive process causes hypersensitivity to certain substances, like dust and pollen that triggers the asthma attacks.

Heavy deposits of ama or mucus in the lungs and respiratory tract create complications and obstructions in breathing and cause wheezing or coughing as well.

Asthma patients usually have very sensitive airways than normal. Now, Salveo Life Sciences has remarkably introduced asthma home remedies for all.

Lobodil Powder, a unique herbal medicine produced by Salveo, is an incomparably effective mass cell stabilizer which prevents the release of inflammatory mediators that leads to asthmatic attack and boost healthy immune defense.

The key ingredients of the medicine Banslochana and Adathoda vasica exhibit anti -histaminic properties and manage the symptoms associated with respiratory disorders.

Apart from that, Lobodil Suspension by Salveo has mucolytic (liquefies cough), brochodialating and expectorant (expels liquid cough) actions which are considered as the best medication for this ailment.

Lobodil Powder is a unique herbal medicine produced by Salveo, is an incomparably effective mass cell stabilizer which prevents the release of inflammatory mediators that leads to asthmatic attack and boost healthy immune defence.

Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. Please do not use this information to diagnose or treat health problems without consulting a doctor.

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Beautify Your Eyes and Remove Dark Circles with Salveo

There are almost three hundred important oils that are recommended by the experts but the individuals use only a few of them. In fact, these oils are rich in medicinal values and the most significant one is that they have the abilities to cure the dark circles just below the eyes. Indeed, these oils can easily penetrate through the skin and the cell membranes. It takes only a few seconds for them to diffuse through the blood as well as tissues. In addition to that, they help to prevent anger, irritation as well as other emotions effectively.

These essential oils contain oxygen molecules that can transport oxygen to other cells of the human bodies that are devoid of oxygen. In fact, the cells of the body require oxygen that turns out to be healthy in order to carry out certain activities and these essential oils actually allow them in this matter.

Apart from treating these dark circles below the eyes, they may soothe the joints as well as muscles in the best possible manner. When you are afflicted with chronic pain on the joints and muscles then these oils become the perfect remedy for the people. In fact, you may have minor aches due to some physical activities and you also can cure them effectively with these oils. The necessary oils contain antioxidant ingredients and they help to enhance the strength of your body by all possible ways.

Other than necessary oils, you can use the herbal remedies that are necessary for the removal of the dark circles. One such effective medicine is Melatru cream offered by Salveo Life Sciences. It is a vital anti-pigmentation cream that can help to cure damage caused due to dangerous ultraviolet light on the skin. The key ingredients such as Aloe vera, curuma longa as well as vetiver are widely used for the preparation of this remedy and it also does not cause damage to the body.

Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. Please do not use this information to diagnose or treat health problems without consulting a doctor.

Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Lobodil cures Bronchitis from its root

Bronchitis is mainly caused due to certain germs. Ayurveda believes that bronchitis begins with the impairment of the digestive system. Bronchitis can be cured to normal if the digestive process is cured to normal.

In Ayurveda, Bronchitis is known as Shwasa Pranali Shoth. In bronchitis, the bronchial tubes which carry air to the lungs get inflamed. This disease is more prone to cold and damp climates. It is a serious variety of the Kasa Roga.

Chronic bronchitis is a serious illness characterized by persistent mucus that produces cough which lasts longer and Salveo Life Sciences has mastered the techniques to produce appropriate medicines for bronchitis.

Chronic Bronchitis lasts for at least three months a year and two years in a row indeed. It is a serious long-term disorder that requires regular medical treatment and check-up. In this particular case smoking should be strictly prohibited if a person is suffering from acute bronchitis since it becomes much harder to recover and tough to diagnose.

The cigarette smoke affects and damages the small hair-like structures in the lungs (cilia) which are responsible for brushing out debris, irritants, pollutants and excess mucus from the lungs. However, this dysfunctional property of the cilia increases the chances of developing chronic bronchitis.

In the case of a chain smoker, the mucous membrane lining the airways stays inflamed and the cilia eventually stop functioning altogether. These results in lungs clogged with mucus which becomes vulnerable to viral and bacterial infections and eventually damages the lung’s airways. This permanent condition is called COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease). Acute bronchitis is normally caused by some specific viruses, typically those that also cause cough and flu. Salveo Life Sciences produces the appropriate medicines for bronchitis remedies with Lobodil powder, suspension and Noni capsules. These are the best elixir for bronchitis indeed.

Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. Please do not use this information to diagnose or treat health problems without consulting a doctor.

Thursday, 14 September 2017

Cure Your Coughing Bouts with Salveo’s Herbal Drug

Coughing occurs if bacteria, viruses as well as other microorganisms irritate the end parts of the nerves in the airways between the lungs as well as throat. While an acute cough is a sign of a chronic ailment, one must consider a common cough and cold more a sign of irritation rather than a serious ailment. Congestion, headache, sneezing, and sore throat are some of the common symptoms related to a cold disease.

While several people depend on the over the counter medicines, the experts usually believe that most of these medicines cause damage to the human beings. So how do you want to cure the coughing bouts without consuming these medicines that cause side effects? Well, you have the opportunity to cure this disease with the help of cough medicines.

Herbal Medicine of Salveo

Amongst several herbal medicine manufacturers, the name of Salveo Life Sciences should first come to your mind. Indeed, this company is known for manufacturing the effective herbal medicines for skin ailments, indigestion, diabetes, arthritis and so on. In fact, Salveo also manufactures an effective herbal cough syrup known as Tuswas. It is a mucolytic as well as non-alcoholic medicine that can cure all kinds of cough problems and it also does not induce drowsiness. The herbal extracts such as Tulsi, Adathoda vasica and honey are used for the preparation of this drug. In fact, these herbal extracts are rich in anti-allergic, antibacterial as well as anti-oxidant ingredients. Nasal congestion, dry cough, allergic cough and common cold are cured with this medicine. The best thing is that both the children and adults can consume this medicine for at least three to four times on a regular basis. While the children are recommended to consume one teaspoon of syrup on a regular basis, the adults should consume one or two teaspoons of Tuswas syrup on a regular basis.

Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. Please do not use this information to diagnose or treat health problems without consulting a doctor.

Wednesday, 13 September 2017

Reduce the chances of Heart Attack with Salveo Life Sciences

In a particular medical condition, when there is no blood supply to a part of the brain and the brain cannot get blood and oxygen properly, that condition can be described as Stroke or heart attack. According to the medical science, if blood flow is stopped for longer than a few seconds, brain cells can die because of irreparable damage. Stroke is also known as Paralysis. It affects central nervous system (CNS) which causes death of countless brain cells.

These are the primary causes of Stroke

High blood pressure
Increased cholesterol level in blood
Unmaintained diabetes
Indiscipline lifestyle
Cardiac diseases
Smoking and alcohol consumption

Arguably, the most critical step you can take towards heart health is to eat heart-friendly foods. For a society used to junk food and eating on-the-go, this is also arguably the most difficult step to take and maintain. But there are various small things you can do to make your diet more heart-healthy. Eat more servings of fresh fruits and vegetables and start your day with stewed apples or pears. Also include soaked blanched almonds in your diet. Prepare your veggies with fresh lime juice; and eat heart-friendly spices such as fresh-ground black pepper and the antioxidant power-spice turmeric.

Sort out fresh foods over processed foods or leftovers and light foods over rich, deep-fried ones. You can also use warm, cooked foods over cold, heavy foods. A properly balanced antioxidant Rasayana such as Amrit from Maharishi Ayurveda is excellent nutritional support, and Ayurveda confirms that natural fruits help reduce LDL cholesterol, which has been implicated in plaque build-up.

However, natural treatments like Salveo Andaman Noni, a natural and organic dietary supplement of the Morinda Citrifolia fruit helps to combat cardiac arrests.These fruits are organically grown. Noni is a natural immune booster with more than 160 nutraceuticals.It is also essential for maintaining and promoting the overall quality of life. It is a trusted name in every household and safe for use along with modern healthcare therapies as Salveo, the producer of Noni is the most reputed herbal medicine manufacturer in our country today.  

Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. Please do not use this information to diagnose or treat health problems without consulting a doctor.

Monday, 11 September 2017

Cure UTI infection without any side effects as Salveo Life Sciences is with you

UTIs are a key reason we're often told to wipe from front to back after using the bathroom. That's because the urethra -- the tube that transports urine from the bladder to the outside of the body -- is located close to the anus. Bacteria from the large intestine, such as E. coli, are in the perfect position to escape the anus and invade the urethra. From there, they can travel up to the bladder, and if the infection isn't treated, continue on to infect the kidneys.

Lack of water intake is considered as one of the reasons for this ailment as the body without water is easy target to attack for bacteria and infections. Apart from that, unhygienic life lead can cause severe urinary tract infection and other complicated issues in your body. Salveo Life Sciences offers safe and unique ayurvedic medicines for urinary tract infection treatment that provide complete comfort and cure from the bacterial attack.

Factors that can increase the risk of UTIs include: 

Diabetic condition
Anatomical abnormalities of the urinary tract
Any factor that obstructing urine flow such as kidney stones, an enlarged prostate
Having a catheter inserted into the bladder
Lack of hygienic sense  
Being post-menopausal

Salveo comes up with Normout Syrup and Normout Tablets are a safe and effective poly herbal formulation recommended for urinary calculi (stones), burning micturition and recurrent urinary tract infections.  The untold facts of ayurvedic medicines are now in application and creating remarkable impact on health and the company provides those effective herbal medicines for several ailments.

Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. Please do not use this information to diagnose or treat health problems without consulting a doctor.

Thursday, 7 September 2017

Salveo’s Normout syrup is best for Curing Urinary Tract Infection

The urinary tract infection (UTI) also known as dysuria is a chronic ailment that mostly occurs in women of diverse age groups. However, it is reported that men also can suffer from this disease, though they are less vulnerable to this disease. As per the recent studies, many women are afflicted with this disease for more than two times. In fact, this trend can be quite alarming and it has also created a lot of irritation amongst the people.

The recurrent urinary tract infection might be fatal for a woman if it is not cured in the best possible way. If it is not treated in the initial phase, then this type of infection can affect any part of the urinary system such as kidney, urethra, bladder, and ureter. However, this infection does not show any obvious symptom always. However, there are some common signs that the patients afflicted with this ailment may experience at any point of time. These include frequent urge for urination, experiencing burning sensation at times of urination, and passage of red colored as well as cloudy urine and so on. Indeed, this kind of infection usually recurs when the dangerous bacteria remain in the body and also develop by all possible ways. The bacteria called Escherichia coli cause this kind of infection amongst the people.

For urinary tract infection treatment, people often depend on multiple herbal medicines, especially the one offered by Salveo Life Sciences. Its Normout syrup is an effective poly herbal formulation that is used for curing certain medical conditions such as urinary calculi, burning micturition as well as recurrent infection of the urinary tract. The best part is that it is prepared from multiple herbal extracts such as Boerhavia diffusa, Tribulus terrestris, Shwet parpati, and they do not cause side effects. Use this herbal medicine and lead a healthy life free from UTI.

Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. Please do not use this information to diagnose or treat health problems without consulting a doctor.

Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Noni Capsules uproot Pneumonia without any side effects

Pneumonia is an infection that can affect one or both lungs. It may cause by bacteria, viruses, or fungi. According to the medical journals, Bacterial pneumonia is one of the most common types in adults. In other words, Pneumonia is responsible for the inflammation in the air sacs in your lungs. The alveolus fills with fluid or pus, making it so excruciating to breathe.

Pneumonia symptoms can be minor to life-threatening. The most common symptoms of pneumonia can include:

Coughing that may produce phlegm (mucus)
Fever, sweating, and chills
Shortness of breath
Chest pain

Salveo Life Sciences, one of the most popular herbal medicine producers of the country showing how one can extirpate the complications related to Pneumonia and enjoy a healthy life with herbal medicines. Salveo’s incomparable medicine ‘Noni’ helps to remove Pneumonia from your body and protects your immunity all over the year.

Noni is a unique creation of Salveo Life Sciences that increases the immunity power, prevents Pneumonia, uproots the infection from all over the body through its antioxidants and accelerates the blood flow within the veins. Noni fruits also beef up erythrocytes in blood to combat all kind of diseases. ‘Noni Capsule’ is an organic dietary supplement of Morinda Cirtifolia fruit.

These fruits are grown in the volcanic soil and a pollution free environment in Andaman and Nicobar islands. It is a natural immune booster with more than 160 nutraceuticals. It has been proved that this herbal medicine is essential for maintaining and promoting the overall quality of life. In the closing note, the company promises a safe, effective and a 100% natural, herbal cure to the users at an affordable cost.

Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. Please do not use this information to diagnose or treat health problems without consulting a doctor.