The Science Of Life

A Healthy outside starts from Inside.

Relief, So Natural

Natural remedies, not medicine!


Nature itself is the best physician.

Healthy Diet

When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need!


An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!

Friday, 27 February 2015

Breathe Out Breathing Problems

Adathoda vasica or Malabar Nut , vasa or adulsa  is used in traditional Indian medicine for thousands of years for treatment of various ailments of respiratory tract in both young and old.

A wide range to phytochemicals has been isolated from this plant but the principle ingredients of Adhatoda vasica are alkaloids vasicine and vascionine.

This vasicine induces bronchodilation and stimulates the respiratory system. It also shows potent anti inflammatory effect.

Apart from treating cough and cold, this plant is broadly used to relieve bronchitis and asthma. The soothing action help ease out irritation in throat and expectorant helps loosen phlegm deposits in airway which makes Adhatoda a good remedy for a smooth throat.

What is interesting to note that there are no potential documents to support that Adhatoda vasica has any harmful side-effects.

Adathoda vasica is one of the key ingredients present in Salveo Lifesciences Lobodil suspension. Lobodil is an effective mast cell stabilizer and is important in prophylaxis of asthma. It has both mucolytic and expectorant properties that offer a complete package of relief to asthamatic patients and also those suffering from common cold and cough and bronchitis.

In addition Lobodil inhibits wheezing, shortness of breath and nocturnal dyspnoea. It is safe for long term treatment without any side effects.

The recommended dosage is 15 ml early in the morning in empty stomach and one hour before meal at night.

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Herbal Remedy In Female Infertility

A survey conducted by a leading pharmaceutical company of India has highlighted the fact that Infertility among  young couples has gone up considerably .Couples unable to conceive naturally are going  for  in vitro fertilization or assisted reproductive techniques. Factors such as age, stress, late marriage, unhealthy lifestyle are contributing to its occurrence. According to health professionals about 40% of female infertility is mainly caused by polycystic ovarian disorder (PCOD).

Since the cost involved in the treatment of infertility is quite expensive, so mostly people are going untreated or quitting it halfway. Unlike IVF techniques, herbal medications for treatment of infertility treat the root cause for infertility throughout the body rather than just targeting the reproductive system.

In Ayurveda, the bark of Saraca indica or the Ashoka tree has been used as an excellent natural remedy in case of women infertility. It has got medicinal value due to the presence of the principle ingredients like sterols, tannin, catechol and organic calcium compounds. These compounds have a stimulating effect on the ovarian and endometrium tissue and have been beneficial in dysfunctional uterine bleeding.

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding is mostly related to changes in hormones levels where in the uterine bleeding period is prolonged.

Salveo Lifesciences PUTOME syrup is a polyhedral formulation for management of menstruation and the hormonal imbalance. The herbs such as Asparagus racemosa, Ashwagandha, Cyperous roduntus help in controlling pelvic inflammatory disease and has broad spectrum antimicrobial actions.Since the primary etiological factor of infertility is abnormality in levels of gonadotrophins, Putome manages these conditions and effective against indications such as Dysmenorrhea, Memorrhagia, Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding and Abnormal  Vaginal Discharge

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Is your Liver Sluggish?

Are you experiencing problems like poor digestion, bloating or flatulence, loss of appetite, weakness or dizziness, nausea and vomiting?

Then probably you might be suffering from sluggish liver problem.

Liver is a vital organ of our body placed just under the ribcage towards right. It performs multiple functions:

• It detoxifies and filters the blood to remove toxins and harmful microorganisms entering body from external sources such as such as polluted water, contaminated food, colours, preservatives, pesticides, fertilizers and medicines.

• Responsible for storing vitamins and chemicals required by the body as building blocks.

• Metabolism of lactate and maintaining peripheral glucose availability.

• Performs a critical role in synthesis of triglycerides and metabolism of cholesterols.

• Synthesis of plasma protein and urea synthesis.

• Metabolism and secretion of bilirubin.

• Metabolism and excretion of drugs.

Our modern lifestyle and everyday challenges hinders with the normal functioning of liver by making it `sluggish’.

 But a healthy lifestyle that includes healthy balanced diet, regular exercise, limiting alcohol, smoking and avoiding self medication can always take care of it.

Liver diseases take a long time to show symptoms, they are generally silent. Consequently any problem associated with the liver goes unnoticed for quite a while. Some drugs are also harmful for liver as they damage liver and in extreme case of overdose can lead to liver failure. One example of such drug is Acetaminophen (a pain reliever and a fever reducer).
Since modern medications harm liver and have side effects, more and more people are turning towards herbal remedies. Herbal remedies are known for its efficacy, safety and lesser side effects. They give more promising results as compared to modern medication.

Salveo Lifesciences -LIVFUL is one such herbal liver formulation, which safely cures liver dysfunction and provides antiviral effect in infective hepatitis. Supplementation of this medicine augments appetite by normalizing liver functions and prevents sluggishness.

Monday, 9 February 2015

Shudh Guggul (commiphora wightii)

Guggul or gum guggul is a resinous sap from the bark of mukul myrrh (Commiphora wightii) tree. It is commonly known as gugal or gugul. This tree is distributed throughout India. It is known to people, for its utilization in making dhoop and incense sticks. But for years it has been used in traditional medicine. As per Sushruta Samhita ( Ayurveda), guggul has been used for a wide variety of therapeutic conditions such as obesity, osteoarthritis and sciatica.

Guggul has been over harvested due to its medicinal properties and has been listed Red on the ‘The International Union For Conservation of Nature (IUCN ) -List of threatened species.


The active constituent of guggul is the ketonic based steroid compound guggulsterones. These compounds have shown to significantly lower serum triglyceride and cholesterol. 

The mode of action has been well studied in University of Texas. It has  highlighted the fact that guggul -lipid blocks the activity of Farnesoid X receptor(FXR) .With the inhibition of FXR, bile acid continues to be produced thus getting rid of the excess cholesterol and maintaining it to normal level. 

Clinical trials have also supported the fact that guggul improves mood and weight loss in obese people. It has blood thinning properties which prevents the clumping of the blood platelets and reduces the possibility of cardiovascular diseases. In addition guggul acts as anti inflammatory agents and have potent antioxidant actions. 

Sunday, 8 February 2015

A comparative Study of Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteo Arthritis and Gout

Pain is an indicator of some damage occurring inside our body .At times we are able to identify the cause, at other times we remain clueless. But whatever the reason may be, till date it poses a great challenge in front of the medical professionals.

Arthritis is one such complication that causes pain. It is a broad term that covers hundreds of medical conditions. Different types of arthritis causes different types of pain. There is no treatment available which can erase it off completely so the management of pain is the treatment of choice. And management becomes easier if we pin down the facts and educate ourselves to either cope up with it or avoid it.

Here is a comparison between three common types of Arthritis namely Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis and Gout

Gout (Gouty Arthritis)
Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis
Sl .No
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Osteo Arthritis
Auto immune disease
Degenerative arthritis
Metabolic disease
Early signs tends to affect your smaller joints first — particularly the joints fingers and toes.
Later on symptoms often spread to the wrists, knees, ankles, elbows, hips and shoulders on both sides of your body.

Symptoms are joint pain, tenderness, stiffness, locking, and sometimes an effusion.
Chills and a mild fever along with a general feeling of malaise.
Joint of the big toe most commonly affected.Other joints affected are of ankle.
More common in women
Common in both men and women
Common in men but in women after menopause
Between 35-45 years old
Above 60
Usually over 35 yrs of age in men and after menopause in women

Speed of the disease
Rapid within year
Slow over years
Sudden onset
Autoimmune disease-environmental and genetic though real cause not known
Wear and tear with age
deposition of uric acid around joints

Thursday, 5 February 2015

The Best Herbal Remedy For Peptic Ulcer

The epidemiology of peptic ulcer diseases in India shows a declining trend in the past two decades. No doubt that hygiene and health promotive approaches are to be acknowledged for this. Nevertheless majority of the population is still suffering from it due to modern lifestyle and excessive use of non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (pain-killers).The elderly population and those who have a prior or family history are more likely to develop ulcers.

The symptoms of peptic ulcer include:

  • A burning pain in the middle or upper stomach between meals or at night
  • Bloating
  • Heartburns and hyperacidity
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Upon further delays - piles and fistula.

Ulcers generally heal on their own but in some cases; if ignored for long and not treated it may lead to perforation in the stomach lining and bleeding. 

Salveo Life Sciences offers pure, highly effective and safe formulation PEPSTO syrup for peptic ulcer.  It has no side effects and has been found to be superior to any allopathic medicines.
The safety and efficacy of the medicine is well established through multi-centered clinical trials.

PEPSTO a polyherbal formulation enhances the mucosal barrier and improves microcirculation .The active ingredients of Kuruchi suppress gastric hyper motility. Brahmi or Hydrocotyl asiatica is a rich source of vitamin K, magnesium, calcium and sodium. It significantly induces mucin secretion and increased production of gastric mucosal defence factors.

Dosage: 2 TSP twice daily is recommended.

Holarrhena antidysententerica (Kuruchi)