Sunday, 8 February 2015

A comparative Study of Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteo Arthritis and Gout

Pain is an indicator of some damage occurring inside our body .At times we are able to identify the cause, at other times we remain clueless. But whatever the reason may be, till date it poses a great challenge in front of the medical professionals.

Arthritis is one such complication that causes pain. It is a broad term that covers hundreds of medical conditions. Different types of arthritis causes different types of pain. There is no treatment available which can erase it off completely so the management of pain is the treatment of choice. And management becomes easier if we pin down the facts and educate ourselves to either cope up with it or avoid it.

Here is a comparison between three common types of Arthritis namely Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis and Gout

Gout (Gouty Arthritis)
Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis
Sl .No
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Osteo Arthritis
Auto immune disease
Degenerative arthritis
Metabolic disease
Early signs tends to affect your smaller joints first — particularly the joints fingers and toes.
Later on symptoms often spread to the wrists, knees, ankles, elbows, hips and shoulders on both sides of your body.

Symptoms are joint pain, tenderness, stiffness, locking, and sometimes an effusion.
Chills and a mild fever along with a general feeling of malaise.
Joint of the big toe most commonly affected.Other joints affected are of ankle.
More common in women
Common in both men and women
Common in men but in women after menopause
Between 35-45 years old
Above 60
Usually over 35 yrs of age in men and after menopause in women

Speed of the disease
Rapid within year
Slow over years
Sudden onset
Autoimmune disease-environmental and genetic though real cause not known
Wear and tear with age
deposition of uric acid around joints


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