The Science Of Life

A Healthy outside starts from Inside.

Friday, 30 December 2016

Salveo Life Sciences: Celebrated Indian Noni Distributors

It’s extremely vital to shun the usage of chemicals on our bodies as  its  usage chemicals give rise to varied forms of physical maladies. The healers from Polynesia first started the usage of Noni in healing different varieties of maladies ranging from simple cold and cough to massive health ailments like Cancer, Diabetes to name a few. Interestingly, noni had other usages other than imparting health benefits. Previously, it was utilised...

Saturday, 24 December 2016

Watch out for Some Natural Cough Remedies

If you’re one of those who are suffering from tremendous coughing bouts and are not of the mood to resort to those tasteless cough syrups, then it’s extremely beneficial for them to resort to some natural cough remedies. Well, it’s never a fun situation when you are suffering from a persistent cough. Your natural habits get interrupted and you get extremely moody and short-tempered. In plain words, coughs are just terrible both physically and mentally....

Monday, 19 December 2016

This winter, Set yourself Free from Respiratory Congestions

Possessing a separate medical name of Tussis and widely known as cough, it’s a sudden reflex felt both by human beings and animals. Although, it’s main purpose is to clear the throat and help in the free passage of foreign particles, sometimes incessant can bring in some respiratory ailments like short, repetitive breathing, asthmatic attacks. Depending on the tenure around which a cough lasts, there are different types of cough. For instance, if...

Saturday, 17 December 2016

You Cough Gets treated with Tuswas

It’s really irritating to get coughing bouts in the midst of speaking and laughing with your friends and families. Although coughing brings in a lot of positivity as it helps to clear one’s throat of mucus and all other types of foreign elements. Coughing is defined as the sudden reflex that is faced by all human beings and animals. The main purpose of coughing is to clear the throat of microbes, fluids and mucus. It’s a rapid expulsion of air from...

Thursday, 15 December 2016

Salveo brings you Freedom from the Clutches of Arthritis

A sudden inflammation in the joints gives rise to Arthritis. Such type of joint inflammations causes intense problems especially among the older generation. You might have witnessed your grandpa or grandmother applying warm compressions on the affected joints. The symptoms of arthritis usually develop in due course of time. However, at times the inflammation arises all of a sudden. Interestingly, this is not a single disease but a group of diseases...

Monday, 12 December 2016

Get in Touch with some of the Noni Advantages

It has been almost thousand years the natural healing power of Noni has been recognised on a world-wide basis. Noni is considered as the appropriate option for shielding the human health against all forms of maladies, be it cancer, liver diseases, diabetes to name a few. This wondrous noni fruit comes packed with antioxidant materials coupled with anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory materials that happens to be extremely valuable for treating various...

Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Physical Adversities Brought Forth by Sinus

Those facial pain, runny nose and nasal congestion seem to be too much bothersome. They happen to disrupt your daily flow of work. It’s clearly understood that the above-mentioned symptoms clearly speaks about sinus.  A sinus infection tends to affect your nasal cavities gets swollen and inflamed. It’s a treacherous situation where sinuses become clogged, blocked, inflamed thus trapping those infectious fluids within the nose. It’s during this...

Monday, 5 December 2016

Effective Treatment of Piles lies with Ayurveda

It’s an extremely disturbing situation to respond to the nature’s call amidst pain and agony. Clearing bowls becomes a horrifying experience for you when you can’t get your system clear smoothly. You tend to spend a huge proportion of time in the bathroom struggling with your daily war. Such painful symptoms give rise to inflammation in the rectum part thus giving rise to piles. The veins in the rectum get swollen and inflamed causing discomfort...

Friday, 2 December 2016

Usher this New Year Painlessly

Rheumatoid arthritis calls for an inflammatory disorder that causes a serious impact on the joints, mainly in the joints of the hands and feet. For early detection, it requires a proper medical diagnosis. The negative aspect of this form of arthritis is that it can’t be cured completely. However, regular treatment can help in the levelling down of the impact of this form of arthritis. It’s a long term condition that causes intense amount of pain,...

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Indian Noni is Impressively Beneficial for Human Health

A native fruit of Southeast Asia, Noni was first cultivated by the Polynesians at Tahiti and then at Marquesas. Currently, this wondrous fruit is grown in West Indies, South America and Caribbean islands. This medicinal fruit has been mentioned in ancient texts like “Ashyuka”.Stuffed with more than 140 Nutraceutical compounds; noni is considered as a balancing agent infusing a lease of healthy living into you. Salveo Life Sciences has emerged as...

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Natural care for Diabetes

Diabetes has become a common health problem these days. Thanks to the sedentary lifestyle, indulgence to junk food and stress.  Diabetes mellitus is caused when the body is unable to secrete the optimum amount of insulin or when the amount produced in the body is not enough. There are mainly two types of diabetes Type 1 and Type 2. Natural herbs can be great options to try out to control diabetes levels. Gymnema This herb can be commonly...

Monday, 21 November 2016

Control Skin Aging with Noni

Skin is something that needs the utmost care! There are a good number of cosmetic products to address various skin problems. But it is always recommended by dermatologists to use natural remedies to keep the skin related problems at way. The most common seems to be the aging of skin and pigmentation.   Noni is a fruit that has been used by Ayurvedic consultants for long in treating various skin ailments. This fruit is typically grown in the...

Friday, 18 November 2016

Get Rid of that Stubborn Abdominal Pain with Amproz Syrup

Tummy problems are actually short-lived and don’t remain for a long time. However, it causes a lot of irritation and prevent from eating what you prefer  Stomach ache or abdominal pain could be caused due to many factors, but sometimes are a direct result of indigestion.. Abdominal pain can either take place just below the diaphragm, or in the central part or in the lower portion of the tummy. Each position speaks of a different stomach issue....

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Get Fast Relief from Cough Problems , With Salveo

The main reasons for a cough can be brought down to an infection in the respiratory tract, or a continuous upsurge in the level of pollution, lung tumour, heart failure to name a few. Varied forms of allergies and asthma also call for one of the vital reasons behind those continuous painful cough fits. It’s due to acid reflux and obstructive sleep apnoea that can be considered  as the pivotal reason behind coughing. Salveo is credited to have...

Monday, 7 November 2016

Get Freedom from Your Stomach Ailments, Courtesy Salveo

The festive tenure for this year is more or less on the verge of being wrapped up with the festival of Bhai-Dooj. It’s very obvious that we have allowed ourselves to enjoy the fullest with all those late night pandel-hopping during the pujas and have cheated on our diets with the lip-smacking junk food and sinfully tasty desserts. Such intense irregularities have left us all a little laid back with various stomach ailments like ulcers and other...

Saturday, 5 November 2016

Urinary Track Problems and the Easy Ways to Get Relief from Them

Urinary calculi or formation of kidney stones is one of the most common problems that most face nowadays. It causes a lot of discomfort and may also lead to nausea, vomiting, pain, hematuria and fever as well. Kidney stones may remain in the intestines or pass in the urinary tract. There are other urinary tract infections that cause a lot of troubles like burning micturition, UTI, oedema among others. These ailments cause difficulty in urination...

Friday, 4 November 2016

Natural Remedies for Piles

How many of you have felt by the pain of piles? Those who face the problem know exactly the embarrassment caused by it.  People these days are indulging more towards junk food and also ill heating habits. These are causing more people to face the problem of piles.  Also known as hemorrhoids, these are nothing but swollen veins that forms around the anal canal or the opening. Piles can be internal as well as external. If problem persists,...

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Treat Sleep Disorders with Natural Products

Many of your friends might have told you that they miss that perfect good night sleep. If you are not the one who hasn’t faced this problem lately then consider yourself as a lucky few! Many people resort to medications and also meditations to treat sleep disorder. It is quite interesting to note that almost 40% of adults in India suffer from sleep disorders or insomnia. About 10-15% of adults suffer from the chronic problem. The patients even have...

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Top 3 Nature Care for Piles

Are you facing a painful condition due to piles? Then this write up is just for you. Hemorrhoids or piles may occur during pregnancy, acute constipation. This condition is mostly common in persons aged 45 to 65 years. Low fibre diet as well as obesity can also contribute to this problem. An acute pain in anus can cause this problem. If not treated properly, this can cause a problem. Hemorrhoids can be internal as well as external. Some people often...

Monday, 24 October 2016

Lose Weight with Noni

Do you feel that you need to lose some pounds of weight? Then have something natural that can provide a fast action. Simply reducing the calorie count by having less food or starving will not do. You need to work out and follow a balanced diet along with noni. This fruit also known as Indian mulberry has amazing health benefits. Noni can effectively control weight. Little do people know about this wonder fruit. Loaded with anti-oxidants and potassium...

Thursday, 20 October 2016

Natural Care for Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer's disease is a condition that is common among the aged people but these days early onset of it can also be witnessed. People who are more than 65 years of age are the affected section of people generally. Memory loss is the most common in this progressive disease. There is actually no cure for this. But natural remedies can be extremely effective in treating this problem. Just like our body our brain too grows old with age. It becomes...

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Treat Dandruff Problems Naturally

If you often face an embarrassing situation in the party due to the flakes of dandruff on your shoulder, then do remember you are not the only one. Dandruff is a condition that can be recognised as a common scalp problem. There can be multiple reasons that can cause dandruff. It occurs due to oily or dry skin and fungal or bacterial infection. Inflammatory conditions might also result in this problem. This is not generally a cause of concern and...

Monday, 17 October 2016

Salveo Life Sciences Helps in Improving Overall Health

Salveo life Sciences believes in promoting health and wellness to people. The word Salveo in Latin means healing. The brand has mixed the goodness of age old Ayurveda to modern ways of treatments and have come up with some amazing solutions that has the capability to nip out the root of the problem. Ayurveda is the science of life that has for long used the goodness of nature’s products. It has come up with effective treatment in treating to health...

Saturday, 15 October 2016

Natural Care to Cure Diabetes

Diabetes has become the most common disease in India. It has gripped more than 34 million of people of which mostly belong from the affluent class of the society. People of all ages even the teen agers are facing this type of problem. Binging on junk food, sedentary lifestyle and also genetic condition can be considered as the most common reason of diabetes. There are different types of diabetes of which Type 2 is the most common one. People resort...

Friday, 14 October 2016

Cure Bug Bites Naturally With Noni

Noni is often considered as a wonder fruit that act miraculously to cure various ailments. Thanks to the anti-bacterial properties that it can cure any sort of infection and bug bites effectively. Bug bites can cause serious problems if not treated naturally. Irritating and painful, the bumps that are caused due to the bites can go off naturally but applying a lotion or simply raw juice made with noni fruit can be highly effective. Insect bites...

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Nature care for Headache

Headache is a painful condition that is capable enough to screw up a day. Experts suggest that headache can occur due to genetic reasons too. But only the primary headache falls under it and not the secondary one. Herbal remedies can provide an effective care than that of aspirin intake as it has side effects involved with it. Lifestyle problems can also be a reason that can actually trigger a painful condition in the head. To mention a few problems...

Thursday, 6 October 2016

Reasons for the popularity of the Herbal remedies

People these days are facing different types of ailments thanks to the lifestyle and over indulgence to fast food. Thus popping pills have become a daily routine in order to stay active. Not many are actually aware that herbal remedies can actually act as a saviour to take out a person from this situation. These remedies are slowly gaining popularity. There are quite a few reasons of its popularity too! These remedies are readily available even...

Salveo Life Sciences have Tapped Natural Products Effectively

Nature has a bounty of treasures hidden in it. But we often ignore the importance of it and look for solutions elsewhere. Ayurveda for long has used nature care for healing various types of ailments. Just for a few years or so these treatments have resurged back. Many brands like Salveo Life Sciences have tapped the goodness of nature to come up with herbal care for people. The recent popularity of herbal remedies is due to the fact that they have...

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

If Ever There were Brilliance, There is Salveo

If ever there was a person who claimed that he or she was completely immune to diseases, well, then, that person is a liar. After all, we human beings are not immune to diseases at all. Rather, our tolerance level to discomforts and ailments is rather low. Therefore, we tend to fall sick rather quickly and dangerously. An absence of timely treatment can lead to complications and sometimes a trivial case of fever can turn out to be a fatal one. However,...

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Cough is No More in the House of Salveo

Among all the different throat infections and diseases that are there in existence today, the one that is the most troubling of them all is none other than Bronchitis. The latter is one of the most discomforting diseases to afflict children today.  All the major and minor diseases that are there in the world today are more or less agonizing; however, bronchitis is the one disease which has been doing endless rounds of sadistic torment and horror...

Monday, 26 September 2016

Life at Salveo is a Tribute to Wellness Raga

There are many different types of bacteria and viruses present in the planet Earth. All of them are capable of inflicting dangerous diseases at any point of time. As the saying goes that prevention is always better than cure, it is the duty of human beings to find out different ways and means to combat these diseases. In order to do that, they have to take into account different types of medical disciplines and weigh their pros and cons. Therefore,...

Friday, 23 September 2016

A little overview on Cough and the remedies

Behold! The time of the year has come when every once in a while we can see people are coughing just by our side and almost hyperventilating from the sheer trauma of it. But heaven’s forbid, cough does not kill anyone one at least what I have come across so far. Season change is an inevitable thing to occur and due to the climatic change and recurring daily life, it’s pretty easy to fall sick for one and that sickness mostly consist of cold, cough...

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Back to Mother Nature over the years for Wellness

There have been many instances in life where completely healthy human beings have become sick for no particular reason whatsoever. Multiple visits to the doctor have not led to any solution, and they have had to suffer till the day their illness diminishes by itself. However, the wait is an agonizing one because the patient has to encounter the full force of the disease with no respite in sight. As a result, maximum patients are not able to encounter...

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Noni an Incredible Healer

Noni is a fruit that is also known as Indian mulberry. This juicy fruit thrives excellently in the tropical climate. This grows in South East Asia, Australia. In India Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Orissa grows a good amount of Noni. But this fruit is typical to Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Natives have been using this fruit since a long time as they have excellently tapped the benefits of this amazing fruit. Rich in anti-oxidants, this fruit has a good...