Monday, 25 July 2016

Obesity and Natural Solution

Obesity is nothing but a condition when excess amount of fat accumulates in the body.  This particular syndrome has become extremely common. From a little child to an old man, you can find many persons who are obese or are tending towards obesity. It can be generally determined by measuring the BMI or Body Mass Index. If it is found that the BMI is within 18.5 to 25, then it is the most desirable. The persons who have BMI above 30 or even more are generally considered s obese.

BMI of a body can be calculated by a simple formula:

BMI= (Weight in lbs/(Height in inches x Height in inches)) x 703.

If anyone measures as per the metric system then BMI= Weight in kg / (Height in meters x Height in meters)

This particular problem is caused due to a number of reasons of which over inclination towards processed food can be considered to be the most prominent one and also the modern lifestyle. Let’s take a look into the causes of obesity.

•    Consumption of Junk food
•    Eating Overtly
•    Drinking Excessively
•    Lack of proper sleep
•    Lack of proper activity

The problem of obesity is not just about excess weight but also that it invites a lot of diseases. Obesity increases the chances of various problems like Type 2 diabetes, heart disease along with blood pressure can create a nest in your body. A proper healthy lifestyle is extremely important to control this problem.

There are various treatments that can be done including surgeries at extreme conditions. Natural solutions are the best ones.  Exercise or working out is important to shed off those extra calories. You can try out green tea for striking results. Lemon juice, Noni capsules or noni juice prepared from a typical fruit that grows in Andaman works effectively to control and reduce weight.

Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. Please do not use this information to diagnose or treat health problems without consulting a doctor.


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